Task 4 – Evaluation

E4 Channel Ident

Ident Questionnaire – Please circle all possible answers

Do you think my ident caught your attention?     Yes   No

Was my ident quirky?    Yes   No

Do you think it would appeal to the target audience of ages 16-25 year olds?     Yes   No

Do you think it displayed enough of the E4 colour scheme?     Yes   No

Did my ident contain fluid movement?     Yes   No

Do you think I could of improved the lighting?   Yes   No

If so how could I improve the lighting?

Do you think my set was decorated poorly?    Yes   No

If so how could I improve on this?


Do you think my choice of soundtrack was adequate?     Yes   No

Was my ident original?    Yes   No

Do you think my characters were well detailed?    Yes   No

If not how could I have improved on this?


Do you think there were moments that were too sped up in my ident?    Yes   No

Rate my ident overall on a scale of 1-10
1 being bad 10 being good


I gave this questionnaire to various other students and asked them to evaluate my ident, so therefore I could calculate the results and see if it would appeal to my target audience.

My first question was concerning the colour scheme I wanted to display a lot of the E4 purple to make the ident very bright and eye catching. Majority responded with “yes”, which I was very pleased with as I included the E4 logo a lot and I put attention to detail when adding purple to the characters such as the ‘groom’s’ bow tie and the noses of the characters.

For my second question I found that when asked if my ident contained fluid movement the answer was no this was true as when filming the camera and software I was using caused my footage to be ‘jumpy’. 6/10 people concluded that the footage was ‘jumpy’ which I has also noticed myself, however I could not improve this as the camera itself caused the movement to not be fluid.

Although the other students were pleased with my lighting I found that I had a lack of experience with the artificial lights so in some scenes the lighting is very dim and in other scenes it was very bright which meant that you could tell the lighting was very artificial.

When asked if my set was decorated poorly 8/10 people said that it was “decorated very well and I added a lot of detailing”. I am very pleased with this feedback as I again set my attention to the detailing of the set and the characters. I think my set looked very realistic considering I had painted a cardboard box and just worked my way around that. However some people had noticed that the flooring on my box was uneven which I could have improved by using a different box which was flat. Majority of people also stated that my characters were very well detailed especially as I put a lot of effort into their faces such as using wire to create whiskers for the characters and also building the clay models around a cardboard cut out I had made to make the characters more stable. I also used wire within the cardboard so I could move the characters fluently.

When asked if my soundtrack was adequate 7/10 people responded with “yes” when I asked them to expand on this they responded saying “the soundtrack fits very well with the ident and it matches the movement of the characters and the scenes”. I used an E4 sound bed as E4 states that when making and uploading an ident you have to use the E4 sound beds.

Another aspect I was very please about was that generally people agreed that my ident was very original and that they had not seen an ident on the E4 website which was similar to mine which made mine very unique. After careful consideration this was the idea I was most please about and after trial and error I found the characters and set quite easy to make although I put in a lot of detailing.

6/10 people said that my ident was quite sped up at points however we had to condense the story into 10 seconds (as that was the time limit E4 had stated) so therefore I could not prevent that aspect. However I may have been able to skip a few images out, although it may have been less fluid.

I have also uploading my ident to YouTube this then enables me to gain views and comments which will contribute to my feedback.

Overall my ident was evaluated as very good 9/10 people said that it was very good and only 1/10 people said it was poor. I think this was fair as the lighting was slightly off and my set was not very flat with a few minor mistakes. However this was my first piece of stop-frame animation so I will take trial and error into consideration.

Health and safety requirements

E4 Channel Ident

Health and safety in general is a massive element when filming as if anything happens to any crew member the main director or creator will be held liable unless health and safety staff are available. If anything occurs involving health and safety this can cost time and money for the film production. To avoid this every possible fault needs to be thoroughly examined and all possibilities to fix it need to be done if the problem did occur.

When in the film studio I will have to ensure that no flammable objects are by any lights that are going to be left on for a while, also when in the studio I will have to ensure no loose wires are in my way and that the equipment is on a steady surface so therefore they cannot be knocked over and broken.